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Nicola completes assessments for children to evaluate their functional abilities including fine motor, gross motor, handwriting, sensory processing and visual perception abilities.  The assessment process includes detailed information gathering, a range of standardised and informal assessments and a thorough assessment report including findings and recommendations. 


Nicola assesses children with a range of conditions including autism spectrum disorder, ADHD, dyspraxia/developmental coordination disorder, dyslexia, cerebral palsy and developmental delays. 


Common challenges that Nicola can help your child with:

  • Difficulty concentrating in class

  • Constantly fidgeting and difficulty sitting still

  • Difficulty responding to everyday sensory experiences (e.g. hair cutting, clothing, food textures, loud noises)

  • Poor coordination during PE and games

  • Handwriting difficulties

  • Fine motor difficulties

  • Delayed self-care skills (e.g. dressing, feeding)

  • Poor organisational skills

  • Anxiety

  • Low self-esteem



Paediatric Occupational Therapy can help your child to achieve their full potential and to develop their skills for every day tasks. 

Therapy sessions may be advised following a detailed assessment to work on child-centred goals.  Sessions often take place at your child’s school or home and involve direct 1:1 therapy, parent/teacher consultation and set up and monitoring of individualised programmes to maximise progress.


Group therapy sessions, such as handwriting, fine motor and sensory-motor groups, can be offered upon request.


Occupational Therapy can help your child to improve many daily functional skills including: their ability to concentrate in class, manage their sensory processing needs, develop their fine, gross motor and handwriting skills and navigate their day more independently. 

Consulting & Training


Parent workshops


School training and consultation:

  • INSET training tailored to your school’s learning outcomes.  Popular training includes ‘Supporting Handwriting Development’ and ‘Understanding Sensory Processing Difficulties’

  • In-class training (i.e. to support handwriting development)

  • Advice clinics with staff

  • Set up and monitoring of individual pupil’s sensory diets, exercise programmes and specialised equipment

  • Pupil workshops (i.e. ‘Self-regulation using sensory strategies’)

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